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With CISO™ Monitoring, you can monitor address activity and receive alerts based on anomalous transaction behavior.

About alerts

Alerts are generated when one of the following conditions is met based on the address’ activities. 

  • Suspicious transfer - Transaction that has a first-degree connection with any high-risk addresses.
  • Risk score movement - Addresses whose risk scores moved from low or guarded to high or severe. 
  • Large transfer - Large transaction that exceeds $1000 USD. (Per the FATF recommendations)

Add Monitoring

  • By default, alerts are turned off when you save an address to lists. Turn alerts on and click the icon to select or unselect the alerts types (Suspicious transfer, large transfer, and risk score movement).
  • You can also edit the list panel and turn the alerts on or off in the Address book.
  • To add multiple addresses for monitoring at once, click the add new button on the Address book

Viewing alerts

Once you have added addresses for monitoring, the alerts will be generated momentarily on the alerts page, though it may take up to 1 hour depending on when you have added the address and its specific transaction activities. 

  • Alert timeline
    • You can filter your search results by monitored addresses, transaction hash, alert type, and date range. 
    • Click details on a specific alert to view the transaction that caused the alert.
    • Click transaction graph to open the graph investigation tool for this transaction.
  • Addresses detected - The addresses that have been detected by our alert rules will be listed here with the group, risk score, and number of alerts. You can filter search results by alert type, date range, and address group.